
Getting There

Public transport

You'll find it easy to get around Wellington; it's so compact you can walk almost anywhere. However, if you do need transport, taxis, buses and trains are easily accessible. Find out more about getting around Wellington.

Nearest bus stop: The closest bus stops to Te Papa are on Courtenay Place. Take a bus to bus stop 5514 or 5502. It is five minutes to Te Papa, heading towards the waterfront along Taranaki Street.

Nearest parking: Parking is available on site at Te Papa, as well as plenty of on street parking and nearby parking lots.

Access Information

Te Papa has a gold rating from Be.Accessible New Zealand. For more information on accessibility at the venue, see the full report on beaccessible.org.nz .

Wheelchair accessibility: Te Papa is totally wheelchair accessible. The staff are very helpful and willing to ensure your experience at Te Papa is great.

Accessible toilets: There are multiple men's and women's accessible toilets, some of which are unisex. Accessible toilets are located on the ground floor and most other levels of Te Papa, execept level six.

Accessible parking: There are five accessible carparks in the Te Papa parking area, and drop off zones.

Hearing loop: To be confirmed.

For any further questions regarding your visit to Te Papa call on 04 381 7000.

About Te Papa

The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa is the national museum and art gallery of New Zealand, located in Wellington. Te Papa is New Zealand's bold and innovative national museum and a recognised world leader in interactive and visitor-focused museum experiences.

collection of randomly placed gold picture frames with images of Jim Henson and puppets

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collection of randomly placed gold picture frames with images of Jim Henson and puppets