With Jeremy Dillon and Sarah Thomson
A hands-on guided workshop where you can make your very own puppet, and then learn to perform it. Build a puppet out of everyday objects – based on the terrific activities from The Muppets Make Puppets by Cheryl Henson. We'll provide the googly eyes, funny noses, feathers, and fuzzy fur – you provide the imagination. Then take part in an interactive performance workshop led by acclaimed New Zealand-based puppeteers Jeremy Dillon and Sarah Thomson (Moe and Fern from The Moe Show). Jeremy and Sarah have both trained with the brilliant Peter Linz, one of our esteemed Retrospectacle guests. You’ll be performing like a proper puppeteer in no time at all! Ideal for ages 6-12.
14 April 10:30
285 mins
21 April 10:30
270 mins
$60. Please note Ticketmaster booking fees apply. If the cost of this Workshop is prohibitive, please let us know at [email protected] as we have a limited number of supported spaces available.